Technical communication: services
At Flow we love instructions, manuals, processes and all content that really helps people do their job: User-friendly, accessible and tailor-made. We write, organize, structure and illustrate the content of our customers. This allows them to concentrate on their core business. Our services can be categorized in three groups. A project may combine one or more of these services.
technical writing, such as work instructions, manuals, online help and support, courses, …
business content, such as product data sheets, tenders, technical marketing content, …
- Personalized information for every user
- Optimized documentation processes
- Automated layout and publication
- Efficient management of content in different variations, versions, and languages
Examples: content audit, selecting the right software (editor, CCMS, layout), setting up governance guidelines, converting to and optimally implementing DITA (XML), template design for automated layout, information architecture, custom DITA framework.
- Smarter collaboration by sharing knowledge within your team, with other teams and outside your organization.
- Flexibly process and manage information within projects, communities, teams, …
Examples: information architecture (including for easier use of SharePoint), content audit, document models and templates, setting up governance guidelines, guidance in selecting the right software, content coordination.
+ our vision
We have several standard trainings, and we also create tailored workshops for your specific needs, the size of your team, software used…
Some examples:
+ workshops