Why structuring documentation is like dating (only less awkward)
Yes, you read that right: there are some surprising similarities between these two seemingly different activities. At Flow, we specialize...
Summer’s over, yippee! Feel those first day of school vibes!
Time to sharpen those documentation skills. At Flow, we are ready to do our part with a comprehensive curriculum of technical...
The Expertise Paradox: the more you know...
As the tech world evolves, we learn as we go and we share what we learn with our peers. But at what point do we become experts in our...
The Simplicity Paradox: Easy words don't come easy
Slogans, poems, and Ikea manuals have something in common: They all look deceptively easy to create. Deceptive, because often the easier...
The Documentation Paradox: Why we love and hate documentation
Why is it that so many professionals who should write documentation, just don’t? It is the documentation paradox.
Publicaties automatiseren: Laat je content naar alle channels 'flowen'
Alles is geschreven, goed gedaan! Nu moet het nog tot bij je lezers geraken. Webportaal, geïntegreerde hulpfunctie, geprinte handleiding,...