Last November over 80 technical communicators, information architects, and documentation aficionados broadened their horizon at GrowWithFlow, Flow’s highly irregular but equally appreciated technical communication conference. Here is one of the highlights: the SharePoint Repair Shop.

Digital transformation + analog habits = chaos
Digital transformation is and has been reshaping how we work for a while now, bringing new opportunities for efficient document management, among other things. Ironically enough, that very transition often results in less efficiency, even in chaos, as we see in many SharePoint implementations.
Alice and Aron showed the most common issues in SharePoint architecture and showed how to fix them step-by-step.
Bogged down in SharePoint libraries too?
Inefficient documents and unstructured, inflexible libraries are at the heart of the problem, making it hard for users to find, use, and share information.
Our new SharePoint Repair Shop shows the way:
Break down the current structure by losing old analog habits, such as fixed folders and version management by file name.
Build a new flexible architecture by applying common architecture standards, metadata, document types, templates, filters, and views.
Automate workflows and rethink collaboration governance to make sharing easier.
If your SharePoint needs fixing, why don’t you have a SharePoint Repair Shop at your organization?